Author Archives: Graham McCarthy
What are Mobile Barcode Apps and How Can They Benefit You?
Barcode data collection holds lots of power – especially when you utilise a mobile barcode app to their full potential. With the use of mobile barcoding software apps, you can flexibly track and trace almost anything. Products such as GoBarcodes app … Continue reading
How Does a Barcode Reader Work?
Whatever industry you work in, or whenever you step foot in any type of shop, one fact remains to be true – barcodes, and therefore barcode readers or scanners are everywhere. Whether you are a manufacturer and utilise the innovative … Continue reading
RFID V Barcode: Which is Best for You?
The capturing and recording of data is the essence of the Auto-ID industry; from its 1973 introduction of scanning a barcode on a pack of chewing gum to the invention of 2D imagers and later RFID, the industry has continued … Continue reading
The Importance of Barcoding in The Supply Chain: Rolls-Royce
Barcodes are often a forgotten component; but those seemingly insignificant numbers, lines and monochrome patterns pack a powerful punch, with plenty of benefits to be gained. From customer service all the way to branding and the supply chain, the barcode … Continue reading
Introducing the ADS-TEC VMT9000 Vehicle Mounted Terminals
Building on the success of previous generations of ADS-TEC vehicle mounted terminals (VMT), the latest VMT9000 series introduces the latest mobile computing technology in a compact design.
Current and Future Uses of Vehicle Mounted Barcode Computers
When you look into any warehouse operation, particularly on a larger scale, you may catch a glimpse of a vehicle-mounted terminal. These technological marvels are used in a similar way to any barcode computer system, however they can increase efficiency … Continue reading
The Importance of Young Employees Working in Technology
Technology is a constantly changing and improving platform which businesses all around the world are using. Advancements are made in technology every day, shaping the future of how we work. The younger generation are of vast importance for the future … Continue reading
The Evolution of Stock Control Solutions
The humble beep at the checkout is a reminder of how far we have come in terms of stock control and management. The modern technology we utilise is a true pillar of the modern inventory management system, and even more … Continue reading
A World Without Barcodes
The barcode has been around for many years now and it is near impossible to remember a time when a barcode wasn’t attached to every product in every store worldwide. Barcodes were invented in 1951 and they have now proliferated … Continue reading
Top 5 Misconceptions About Switching to Stock Automation
You’re probably hearing more and more about ‘automation’ recently, especially when it comes to factory floors or warehousing. Automated processes are rising in popularity, with an increasing number of small businesses opting for technologies that allow them to automate everything … Continue reading