The Top 5 Benefits of Asset Tracking Systems

For most businesses, the purchase of assets will constitute one of the largest proportions of initial outlay when considering start-up costs. It makes sense therefore to protect your initial investment by ensuring you know where your assets are, what they are being used for and their current condition.

This is the job of asset tracking and thankfully there are now solutions available that make this a streamlined and efficient process. One such option is the G-SMart asset solution which combines web-based technology with barcoding to provide an all-in-one tracking system that provides a real-time, holistic view of all of your assets, all in one place.

Here we consider the top five benefits businesses can expect by having an effective system in place.

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What are Mobile Barcode Apps and How Can They Benefit You?

Barcode data collection holds lots of power – especially when you utilise a mobile barcode app to their full potential. With the use of mobile barcoding software apps, you can flexibly track and trace almost anything. Products such as GoBarcodes app suite from GSM Barcoding means you can implement a versatile barcode tracking system, all within one single hand-held scanner.

With the workforce going mobile, your business needs to be more flexible and move with the changes within many industries. With the right mobile device management solution, you can make your work structure much more efficient. But what are the benefits of utilising these incredibly handy mobile barcode apps?

Mobile Barcode
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How Does a Barcode Reader Work?

Whatever industry you work in, or whenever you step foot in any type of shop, one fact remains to be true – barcodes, and therefore barcode readers or scanners are everywhere.

Whether you are a manufacturer and utilise the innovative tags to track the movement of your products, or whether you are a consumer and are purchasing products that contain the traditionally black and white codes, it is an inevitable fact of life; almost every single human on the planet, in one way or another, will come into contact with a barcode during their lifetime.

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RFID V Barcode: Which is Best for You?

The capturing and recording of data is the essence of the Auto-ID industry; from its 1973 introduction of scanning a barcode on a pack of chewing gum to the invention of 2D imagers and later RFID, the industry has continued to evolve at an astounding pace.

The barcoding evolution or rather revolution has been driven by the massive benefits in business efficiency and accuracy that comes from scanning barcodes.  For many of us accustomed to barcoding systems it is easy to take the speed and 99.9% scan accuracy rate for granted. But, for a second, just consider businesses attempting to manually count stock or track production in today’s supply chain!

young woman using RFID tag key to open the door
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The Importance of Barcoding in The Supply Chain: Rolls-Royce

Barcodes are often a forgotten component; but those seemingly insignificant numbers, lines and monochrome patterns pack a powerful punch, with plenty of benefits to be gained. From customer service all the way to branding and the supply chain, the barcode can be a vital component in many industries; just as it is with the well-known and respected brand that is Rolls Royce.

The renowned brand, famous for their prestigious array of cars, also develop plenty more extraordinary technologies too – their quest has taken them to finding expertise in internal combustion engines to providing the worlds most powerful and efficient aero-engines.

They are now at the forefront of innovative research and development to produce state-of-the-art electromechanical and hybrid power systems. And GSM Barcoding are helping them do that….

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Introducing the ADS-TEC VMT9000 Vehicle Mounted Terminals

Building on the success of previous generations of ADS-TEC vehicle mounted terminals (VMT), the latest VMT9000 series introduces the latest mobile computing technology in a compact design.

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Current and Future Uses of Vehicle Mounted Barcode Computers

When you look into any warehouse operation, particularly on a larger scale, you may catch a glimpse of a vehicle-mounted terminal. These technological marvels are used in a similar way to any barcode computer system, however they can increase efficiency across the facility.

In a world full of innovative technology, we are constantly seeing change. The question of what the future holds for barcoding and barcoding computers, especially vehicle mounted barcode computers, is on the tip of our tongues.

It’s fair to say that vehicle-mounted barcode computers are engineering genius – making the way we work much more streamlined. We know that these machines can improve productivity and reduce errors, from the docks to the yard, but where will we see them next?

So, besides the use within warehouses, where may we see vehicle mounted barcode computers, and what does the future hold for these handy contraptions?

vehicle mounted barcode computers are making the way we work much more streamlined
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The Importance of Young Employees Working in Technology

Technology is a constantly changing and improving platform which businesses all around the world are using. Advancements are made in technology every day, shaping the future of how we work. The younger generation are of vast importance for the future of businesses and technology, as they themselves will be part of the working generation.

At GSM Barcoding, technology is a huge part of our business, and it is these advancements which have helped us with our stock control software and solutions to help businesses improve their barcode tracking.

As a technology-led business, we understand the full importance of young employees working in technology, and this is why.

Portrait Of Young Man With Different Computer Technology Over Gray Background
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The Evolution of Stock Control Solutions

The humble beep at the checkout is a reminder of how far we have come in terms of stock control and management. The modern technology we utilise is a true pillar of the modern inventory management system, and even more so of stock control software.

In the earliest days of shop-keeping, we have utilised various ways of tracking our stock from the extremely manual and time-consuming to the now super quick, easy and efficient stock control we use today.

But where did we begin and how did we get to where we are today? What would our life be like without the stock control software we rely on now?

Warehouse worker moving boxing and keeping track of stock from stock control software
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A World Without Barcodes

The barcode has been around for many years now and it is near impossible to remember a time when a barcode wasn’t attached to every product in every store worldwide. Barcodes were invented in 1951 and they have now proliferated to the point where we don’t really notice them.

The barcode was introduced in a rudimentary form but only came into widespread use once all the big retailers got on board.  As an American invention, they finally made their way to the UK in the late 1970’s.

But what did we do before the barcode came along, and would our world still be as we know it today if the barcode was never invented?

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