Modernise your warehouse: Migrate to Android® with Zebra

Moving from legacy mobile OS systems in your warehouse, such as Windows mobile, has never been more appealing.  Zebra Android enterprise mobile devices are the perfect device choice, leading the mobile working revolution, providing touch screen Android mobile devices with a user-friendly and familiar interface for modern warehouse systems and mobile working. 

Zebra Android Devices
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Trade-Up To The Highest Level Of Tracking Intelligence With Zebra RFID

Trade up your fixed RFID readers to the latest Zebra fixed RFID readers and achieve the highest level of inventory intelligence at a significant discount.  As a certified Zebra RFID specialist, this time-limited trade-in is an exclusive offer open to our barcoding customers.

GSM Barcoding Zebra RFID Solution Partner
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Spotlight on: Zebra Printers

Zebra Technologies is a company that manufactures and sells marking, tracking and computer printing technology. Started in 1969 as Data Specialities, they developed their first barcode printer in 1982. They aim to empower those in retail, healthcare, transportation and logistics with their pioneering products, software, services, analytics and solutions that connect people, assets and data.

Zebra Printer
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The Importance Of Stock Management Following Coronavirus Pandemic

As many businesses head back to work over the coming weeks with lockdown measures continually being eased, it’s fair to say that many managers will have a real headache when it comes to assessing the stock they left behind. There are a whole host of considerations that warehouse managers will need to have, from whether products are still fit for purpose following the pandemic, to if they will be able to sell the products if they may have been in contact with coronavirus.

Man scanning boxes in warehouse
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Viral Video Shows Barcodes Creating Music

Barcodes are amazing; we all know that. They have so many wonderful applications, including some that you’ve probably never even considered before. But now a viral post is showing just how versatile these vertical lines can be as an artist creates a wonderful musical melody using a selection of barcodes and some scanners.

You can watch the amazing techno beats here:

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The History of Printers

Printing, believe it or not, dates back in some form to as early as 3500 BC, when the Persian and Mesopotamian civilisations used cylinder seals to certify documents written in clay. Woodblock printing would follow, then moveable type until we get to the printing press in 1440. Ever since humanity created visual print, there has been ways and techniques for making copies of said print.

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Why Mobility is Essential in Warehouses

Mobile technology has completely revolutionised so many industries, including the supply chain. In warehouse environments, mobility is more important than ever. Customers expect more and more every year, quicker delivery and quality products at competitive prices. To stay competitive and sustain growth in the future, you should invest in mobile devices to improve your supply chain, logistics and transportation of your goods.

Mobility is the Warehouse
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How Asset Tracking Can Grow Small Businesses

Assets are incredibly valuable to all businesses; assets refer to anything with monetary value within a business organisation. Asset tracking refers to the process which tracks your physical assets, which is an integral part of any business operation, especially if your business model involves renting or loaning out assets to customers.

Vehicle Mounted Barcode Computer
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What is the Amazon Effect and How Can You Compete?

The Amazon effect is the name given to the phenomena that the retail giant Amazon has disrupted the retail market, both online and in physical stores. The title refers to Amazon’s continued dominance of the online market; its rise in e-commerce sales that has resulted in a number of small businesses having to close up shop due to being unable to compete.

Amazon Fulfilment Centre
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Italian Biotech Uses Barcoding to Increase Food Safety

Italian biotech FEM2-Ambiente has developed a DNA barcoding tool for food companies to increase food safety by verifying ingredients and tracing contaminants in raw and processed foods. The company hopes that the system will improve food safety and uncover food fraud by reducing the need for equipped laboratories and highly qualified personnel when inspecting food products.

DNA Helix
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